Sunday, May 06, 2012

And we're off!

After several hours of packing and getting our apartment packed away, we finally left our house at noon!

So far our ride has been fairly flat and along set bike routes.

Yesterday we cycled with our friend Alex through the rain from Dinslaken to Duisburg (we started in Wesel), eventually giving up cold and soaking wet after about 50km. We spent the rest of the afternoon in a city museum with an exhibition on Mercator (the guy who figured out navigation), then decided to take the train to Alex's place in Dusseldorf for the night. After drying off, we'll be cycling back up to Essen, to stay with people that we met travelling on our last trip. Essen is about the same distance north as Duisburg so we'll essentially be covering the same distance that we skipped by train yesterday!

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